15 Real Things That Are Straight Out Of Horror Movies
This is a list of scary things that will give you nightmares. Scary things are all around us in our everyday lives. Sure, some of those things are more apparent than others. Some of them we don’t even think about, even though they’re happening at every moment of the day.
Global warming, war, natural disasters, death, roaming packs of wild dogs in residential neighborhoods. It’s more common than you think. But sometimes things in our world happen that are so bizarre, so unbelievable, so utterly terrifying, that we collectively shake our heads "no," close our eyes, and wish for it to disappear back into the shadow plane where it came from.
Majority of the stories and events on this list are from the past decade or so. Some are older than others but needed to be included to prove we live in a horrifying reality that has portals to monster realms opening up daily.
Here are 15 things that really exist that should only be allowed to happen in nightmares. Vote up the nightmare you find scariest.
Let the picture of the angler fish comfort you. You'll need a hug if the fact that we've discovered less than 5% of the ocean scares your brain. It's a different kind of scary. Not the in-your-face kind of scary... more of the unknown kind of scary.
Less than 5%. That means there's 96% of unknown still left out there. Maybe there's nothing. Maybe there's Kaiju waiting deep below for us to wake it.
You know that video game about a town where demons live and rip off people's skin? Well, that town is based on a town that could be near where you live.
Over fifty years ago, Centralia, PA, suffered a massive garbage fire, which ignited an exposed coal seam, turning it's underground into hell, basically. It caused massive damage to homes, split roads in half, and forced 1,400 residents to abandon the devastated rural town. As of 2010, the population was listed at ten people, who live there for whatever reason.
The fire under the town has been raging for over fifty years, because demons don't sleep apparently.
Remember the scene in Poltergeist where the mom falls into the pool filled with decaying dead bodies?
Yeah. The majority of those "props" were real human corpses – and were buried in that same ditch after production ended. The production team used real skeletons, as they were cheaper than getting fake ones.
A teenager recently posted a series of photos online of a gothic horror that he and his brother found in their house. They discovered that a bookcase they originally believed to be built into the wall actually swung open like a section of Wayne Manor.
Behind the secret door was a steel spiral staircase, which lead down to a small alcove in the walls of the house. Inside one of the crawl spaces they found a blanket, Halloween candy, and toys that had mysteriously gone missing from the house. Oh sweet Jesus!
The Aokigahara Forest is a beautifully lush, green ocean of leaves that sits at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. It is also the location of the most suicides in the world.
Every year, at least 100 bodies are found in the woods, most of them hanging from trees. It happens so frequently that the Japanese government has posted signs throughout the forest telling people, in short, "Don't do it."
Along with beautiful old trees, you'll also find hundreds of shoes without owners. No one is completely sure why so many flock to this one location to perform the sad act, but the serenity of the forest might have something to do with it.
H.H. Holmes is known to be America's first serial killer. The former medical student-turned-business owner opened a hotel in Chicago in 1890. The hotel served as his own personal murder house.
During its construction, he hired and fired different workers every week, so no one knew the layout of the building but him. Trapped doors, secret walls, a basement that you'd see in a Saw movie... all were used to kill somewhere between 27 to 200 people (He confessed to killing 27).
Oh, and he had a vat of acid in the basement, too.
Sometimes, it's easy to forget that the place we live is a small rock suspended out in the middle of billions of miles of empty space. We were reminded about that when the Chelyabinsk meteor hit Russia in February 2013.
What's even scarier is that it's not even the biggest meteor that could've hit us. Up until recently, a meteor named Apophis was in trajectory to hit Earth and cause apocalyptic levels of damage.
It has a diameter of over 1,000 feet, and It'll pass by Earth in 2036.
If you've played The Last of Us, you probably said to yourself "thankfully that fungus that takes over minds and grows out of living beings isn't real." Sadly, it is.
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a fungus native to Brazil, Thailand, and Africa. The fungus falls from trees, burrows through the heads of ants into their brains, causing the ant to lose control of its body. The ant then climbs a tree, clamps its pincers onto a leaf, and dies while the fungus continues to grow and sprout more spores.
As you're reading this, there's an abandoned Soviet cruise liner drifting through the ocean, making its way towards Scotland's shores. What makes it extra weird (and dangerous) is that it's housing an army of rats. Rats that have been out to sea for some time with nothing to eat but other rats. So it's a ghost ship filled with cannibal rats, drifting towards Scotland like a floating Ramsey Campbell novel.
How did this happen? Apparently Canada had it sitting in a harbor after repossessing it from the private owners. Last year they decided to cut it loose and leave somebody else to deal with the modern day plague ship.
Germans have a stereotype of being bizarre people. Armin Meiwes isn't helping disprove that. In the early 2000s, the computer repair technician posted on a website looking for
Dolls are creepy. Now imagine an entire island of them. Now imagine they're inhabited by the spirits of dead children.
The third thing can't be proven, but La Isla De La Munecas, which is in located in the canals south of Mexico City, is a small island completely littered with terrifying toy dolls.
Most drugs do terrible things to the human body. Krokodil might be in the lead for most harmful. What has become a horrible epidemic in rural Russia has made its way to the United States.
The drug is a mixture of red phosphorus, kerosene, and other dangerous chemicals, that when mixed and injected into a vein, gives the user the same feeling as injecting heroin. The main side effect to krokodil, however, is that it eats away flesh. It's not uncommon for addicts to look like they're transforming into a zombie.
There have been a lot of stories recently about people killing and eating other people when high on some kind of drug. But what about murder and cannibalism over a game of chess?
Saverio Bellante killed his landlord, Tom O'Gorman, over a game of chess that the two men had been playing over the course of a year. When police arrived, O'Gorman's chest was cut open, and his lung was missing.
Bellante admitted to killing him and also admitted that he was contemplating eating O'Gorman's heart, but looks like he got sidetracked.
This one isn't as creepy as much as it is baffling and pretty gross.
Amou Haji is an 80-year-old Iranian man who hasn't bathed in over sixty years. He's caked in dirt and who knows what else, smokes animal dung out of a plumbing pipe, lives on the outskirts of a village in a concrete shack, and sleeps in a coffin-like bed.
All of this sounds like the description of the worst fairy tale character ever written.
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