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Friday, 21 July 2017

30 Scary Things Found In Australia… 

If you’ve never been and if you’re not already aware, Australia can be pretty wild. Most people love the idea of traveling to the beautiful continent as they think of the wild life scenery, potential adventure, and the Aussie accents. The only animals these people expect to see a lot of are kangaroos. If you’re one of these people, I’m sorry but there is a reality check that needs to be received on your end.
Australia is filled with some of the scariest and most dangerous animals in the world. They have over 10,000 species of spiders and lethal sea animals you didn’t even knew existed.
Still don’t believe us? Take a look for yourself at some of the craziest and scariest things you would see in Australia below.
#1. A python eating a bat.

#2. A giant centipede killing a snake.
#3. Here's a huge lace monitor goanna.
Just hanging out on the wall of someone's home.
Eric Holland
#4. Random creatures like this getting stuck to your back after a swim.
#5. A python consuming an alligator.
Now thats a BIG snake!
Tiffany Corlis

#6. Random baby kangaroos that like to sneak into your home and prank you.
#7. These disgusting things called paralysis ticks.
The one on the left is before feeding and the one on the right is after feeding on some blood. Yikes!
Murdoch University
#8. This huge, mysterious jellyfish.
Richard Lim
#9. Sharks nonchalantly following you as you surf.
Sharks in Australia have been known to follow surfers as they glide along the wave. Fun, huh?
#10. A ginormous fox bat that not only carries disease but sometimes bites humans.
#11. A lot of beetles.
#12. Can't forget the flies.
#13. Snakes hanging out in the toilets.
#14. Snakes everywhere!
#15. Mountains of millipedes.
#16. Spiders and webs and spiders and webs.
Daniel Munoz
#17. The worst fish you could ever encounter, stonefish.
#18. And the aftermath of meeting one if you ever get the chance.
#19. A camouflaged snake discreetly pulling up a buffalo.
#20. Pythons that love to shop.
AP Press
#21. And of course, it's not Australia unless there's big crocodiles.
Sharon Scoble
#22. They come in all sizes...
Michael Franchi
#23. And roam wherever they feel like.
#24. A wild dingo that has eaten half of the shark next to it.
You thought sharks were scary, now consider that the other half of that one is most likely in the dingo's tummy.
#25. More signs that we're just not used to seeing.
#26. Ostriches that apparently let you ride them.
#27. The Irukandji jellyfish is tiny, yet potentially the most dangerous critter you'll come across.
The venom is more potent than both a cobra and tarantula.
#28. This old thing? Oh, just a normal earthworm there in Australia.
#29. Hail that can hurt you if you're not careful.
#30. Koalas offering a helping hand.
Well at least there's some good going on.
Source: Cover photo

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